Saturday 14 June 2014

13 - 14 June

A few giraffe entertained us as soon as we started our afternoon drive, just west of Jacobin the tower stood and stared at us as if we were something new in their eyes. 
We headed west in persecute for game, which was well worth it as we got to see the Styx pride. The whole pride was sleeping in some tall grass well hidden from lurking eyes, but after a bit of steering skill I managed to get us a perfect spot to view these magnificent beasts. 
The three cubs, as usual, got most of the attention as they started to get restless, pondering upon our presence and wrestling each other, as siblings do. One of the cubs saw the opportunity to grab his mothers’ tail, with his mouth, using it as a play thing. 
The mother lioness did not see this well and headed off to a more unobtrusive spot. Great entertainment before our sun downers.

 This morning was another quiet and cold morning with plains game dominating the sightings, Bernard however did see the Styx pride again doing what lions do best… sleeping.
Bush Regards
Jaces Bornman

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