Monday, 23 June 2014

22 - 23 June

We spent our evening driving as we had a long road to go to the far west in search of cats, on our journey we were greeted by many plains game, we stopped at a small pan to view a lone hippo bull, he was not very entertained with our presence but this in turn made for great entertainment for our us as the hippo started to display and show off his teeth to heed warning not to tress pass. 
Soon after we headed towards one of the most breath-taking sightings yet. We sat with Salayexe while she was resting on top of a termite mound, calling every twenty odd minutes or so, with a beautiful backdrop of sunset. 
This morning had its fair share of breath-taking moments. 
First a large herd of buffalo came over to Nkorho at JACOBIN OPEN AREA, they were quite uneasy, and with good reason, the styx sub adults were right behind them! 
We sat watching the predators stalking their prey, coming very close but abandoned the hunt as the open area was too revealing, as we left we found Thandi the female leopard also trying to catch her breakfast. She bolted past the car and headed into thick bush covered area, we sat a while and noticed three sub adult kudus and a herd of impalas walking directly towards her, she was so well hidden we could not see her, not even the firs kudu could see her as he walked right by her, she was waiting for the impalas to walk by before she took her chance but unfortunately her camouflage was too good and the second kudu almost stepped on her giving her position away.

Peter also found a beautiful big elephant bull walking north on the road. Great excitement for a cold day

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