These two drives were a perfect example of how the bush can
surprise you. The afternoon drive was as quite as a mouse as all the big “hairy
scariez” were nowhere to be found.
This gave us ample time to enjoy the smaller
things like birds and small mammals. We spent some time with a group of vervet
monkeys as they were feeding off knob thorn seed pods. Great birds of prey such
as brown snake eagle, African Gymnogene, Bateleur eagle and some white backed

This morning however was the exact opposite of yesterday; we saw the
big five in one drive! We first found Mvula on gowrie main crossing north from
chitwa. We headed west and after sitting with a water monitor sunbathing after
a morning swim, we bumped into a dagga boy at second windmill, headed north
towards southern fork and spent some time with two Styx females and three cubs.

By this time we were almost late for breakfast so we headed back east and of
course we ended it off with a herd of elephant moving south into the bush. It
is obvious to say we were late for breakfast but completely worth it! Never
underestimate the bushveld!
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