As we headed out on our afternoon bumble, two impala rams
walked right in front of the vehicle taking no notice of us as they were in the
mists of a fight, as this was right in front of the gate, they delayed our
drive with a few minutes. At least we were entertained. Soon after we sat with
a bachelor herd of zebra grazing along as we stared at their grace.

We headed
west. Barely there and we had a leopard; Shadow! She had made a kill on a young
impala slowly eating some of her kill as if she was not hungry. We sat with her
for a while just before she left the kill ad headed off into the thick bush. I
assumed she went to fetch her cub, it was late already so we headed back to
camp, as usual we bumped into something on our way back.
This time it was a
clan of four hyenas walking south as if they were on a mission. This morning we
started on a high note as we sat and enjoyed the company of a herd of elephant
as they were feeding along the CP drive way.

We headed south onto Annette’s
camp and came across a big giraffe bull, he seemed more curios of us then we
were of him. There were also two hippos in Annette’s dam sleeping the day away!
As we entered the west we heard very bad news! The Styx has done it again!
Shadow has lost her cub to the lion pride. We fortunately did not see the incident
but as we arrived the whole pride was sleeping on safari drive way and Shadow
was stranded up a tree (apologies for the bad photo, took it to illustrate how
high she was in the tree) as beautiful as nature may be, it is not easy!

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