- Male Leopard (Xivambalane) Feeding on a big male Impala
- Male Leopard (Bahuti) Sleeping
- Female Leopard (Thandi) Moving North looking for Bahuti
- Lions (Styx) Sleeping with the cubs Playing going up and down some trees
- Buffalo Bull (1) Feeding
- Buffalo Bulls (3) Feeding around a dam
- Wild Dogs (10) Hunting and Killing some Impalas.
- Male Cheetah (1) He had a go at some Impalas on Nkorho Open but had no luck so moved south
- Male Lion (Solo) We had him 3 days ago. but since then no luck on finding him
- Elephants is all over and giving us amazing sightings

04 April
- Male Leopard (Xivambalane) Stalking Impala on our Open Area
- Big Male Elephant (1) Moving East
- Male Leopard (Bahuti) Moving West
- We tracked the Styx but had no luck finding them
- Big Male Elephant (1) Moving East
- Male Leopard (Bahuti) Moving West
- We tracked the Styx but had no luck finding them
4-7 April
The past few days we spotted the 4 sub adults of the Styx pride moving around and eventually making a kill. We saw 4 different herds of Elephants moving around in the areas of the lodge, with a few youngsters investigating the vehicle at close quarters and entertaining us with their braveness. Buffalo have not been seen often lately but we spotted a few old males resting in the mud at two different waterholes. Leopard sightings have been very good. Xivambalane the male Leopard, tracks lead from camp towards our open area in front of lodge, soon to be spotted resting in the morning sun and posing for great photography.
8-9 April

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