Monday, 24 March 2014

23 - 24 March

Moving off from camp we had our game drive planned, but as this is wild life and they do as they wanted, our plans were short lived! 
We found Mvula still mating with Shadow, we were alone at the sight so had ample opportunity to take wonderful photos. After watching these leopards mating rituals we moved off west, we wanted to have a look at the hyena den, but a pleasant surprise awaited us on triple M north, wild dogs were moving briskly over the road in an eastern direction, they only allowed us to view them for a mere minute before the disappeared in the lush bush veld. 
We headed off to the hyena den where three youngsters were fooling around with each other, trying to overpower one another with their power full jaws. We spent the rest of the evening searching for the lions. 
Once again we found the cubs but due to the low light we left the area and headed back for camp. This morning we had a focus and headed straight towards the last area were the lions were seen. Finally we found them! They were at first moving around and lay down in the bush we had a poor visual but sat patiently. Our patience paid off as they got up and moved south on to the open road allowing us a perfect visual of the cubs as they played around the adults. 

We spent a good amount of time with the Styx pride as we were searching a long time for them. a good morning it was indeed. Persistence and patients is key!

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