He initially walked across the open area, occasionally showing interest in the impala which littered the clearing.
By the time I got to the sighting Bahuti had moved into the dense brush surrounding the Kitchen and Jaces entire focus was on a hyaena standing in front of his bumper.
We searched for Bahuti for some time but eventually ceased and stopped on the airstrip for some stargazing through binoculars and drinking sundowners.
This morning was very busy with breeding herds of elephants
being found everywhere. Always great to watch, they forever surprise you with
both their verbal and non-verbal communication, so expressive!
The Styx pride was also out with the only members missing
were the mother and three cubs. Where they are exactly I have no idea. The two
adolescent males, their sister and the one large female were all on Methluane
open area where they had killed an impala and devoured it in the night. The
tally of impala rams that have to date been caught unawares in their conquest
for dominance is definitely tallying into the double figures now.
The lions were quite active, walking around the clearing and sniffing as they went along, the two males exhibiting flehmen on a regular basis. It would seem their sibling is coming into oestrus...
The lions were quite active, walking around the clearing and sniffing as they went along, the two males exhibiting flehmen on a regular basis. It would seem their sibling is coming into oestrus...
As soon as we arrived back in the camp we had fifteen
vultures soaring just above the roof of the lodge. There were two white-headed
vultures in the committee of white-backs.
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