Wednesday, 26 February 2014

25 February - 26 February

25 February
Afternoon drive

Due to the dark and heavy clouds we decided not to take our cameras with us. But as murphy has it we needed it! We started in the east with plenty of plains game such as water buck, impala, blue wildebeest, kudu, giraffe and many more. We headed east as we received good news! A pack of wild dogs were hanging around simbambili dam! We headed west in a hurry to try and miss the rain. On our way we bumped into a herd of elephant, due to excitement we did not spend much time with them for we wanted to see the dogs! A mere hundred meters or so from the pack, the heavens opened and we were soaked in a couple of minutes! The rain did not deter us as we watched the pack of ‘painted wolfs’ were cuddling up with each other to get warmth as they were being hit with drops. We decided to leave them and head back east in hope of dry land. There were also a couple of dagga boys seen and a big bull elephant with massive tusks protruding from his upper lip, in the southern parts. As we entered the east the rain had followed us, none the less we found a big bull hippo walking across the road in search of good grazing grounds. Shortly after we found Mvula the big male leopard, (Ironically, as Mvula means rain in shangaan. He was given the name due to the fact that the first time he has been sighted was in the rain.) And followed him thru the thick bush but eventually made it on to the main road witch made for a beautiful full view of his immense size and beauty. Lesson learned never leave your camera, come rain or shine!

26 February
Morning drive

It was a cold dark morning. Plains game was plentiful. But unfortunately the pack of dogs headed north and Mvula did the same. So we spent the morning tracking for big game. We found a bull elephant on gowrie main but he was a bit shy and stayed in the thick bushes on our way back the droplets fell but never a bad day in the bush veld!


Jaces bornman

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