Sunday, 5 July 2015

4 & 5 July

4th & 5th July 


- Mvula male leopard moving North and then East from Chitwa airstrip.
- Herd of elephants feeding close to Chitwa water hole.
- Found Thandi moving East on Mala Mala boundry, and then moved into the bush looking for a meal.
- Two Buffalo bulls feeding about not far from where we found Thandi.


- Elephant herd feeding East rom Chitwa airstrip.
- Another herd found West from the lodge feeding moving North.
- Inkanyeni found East from the Lodge busy stalking a Steenbuck.
- Quarentine young male Leopard moving about searching for a meal and then got trapped in                                               between a herd of Elephants.

Nkorho Rangers

Saturday, 4 July 2015

3 & 4 July

3 & 4 July 


- Matimba male with one Styx female resting about, with the the other two Styx female and tree cubs also resting close by.
- Big herd of Elephants at Chitwa waterhole.
- Nkuhuma pride of lions resting about on our entrance road to the lodge last night.
- On our way to our Bush dinner, we found the six sub-adults from the Talamati pride South from the lodge.


- Talamati pride we spotted South from the lodge.
- One Buffalo bull resting close to a road.
- Herd of Elephant crossing the main road close to us.

Nkorho Rangers

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

30th June & 1st July

30th June & 1st July


- The two Styx females where resting close to their kill, the three cubs where still around.
- Large family group of elephants where slowly feeding along the fire break, they walked right up to us and fed.
- Shadows young male cub was resting in a guarri thicket waiting for Shadow.


- The two Styx females and their cubs where eating the last of their kill this morning, there is not much left.
- One Matimba Male was resting in the shade and roaring every now and again.
- Lots of elephants all over this morning.