28th & 29th April
- We had an awesome herd of elephants at kudu corner, they where slowly making their way to the water.
- Plenty elephants have been out and about.. We had another herd close to the drive way, there was a big bull following one of the cows.
- Buhuti male leopard west of the lodge, he went and lay on a termite mound and scanned the surrounding bush.

- We got drag marks across the driveway with male leopard tracks, instantly thought Buhuti had caught something. We got very excited... We tracked them into the block and we found an impala kill that had only been eaten a bit. And then we saw him lying not far off watching us.
Sat most of the morning with him and watched him feed and then go and rest in a nearby tree.
- A large herd of elephant feeding, they have been all around Nkorho lately. Been awesome...
Nkorho Rangers