Tuesday, 31 March 2015

30 & 31 March

30th to 31st March


- Spent some time with a big old elephant bull, he was slowly feeding and then decided to destroy a little bushwillow.. Put on a great show for us.
- Watched six dugga boys resting in the shallow water at one of the dams.
- The two Styx female lions where still fast asleep in the shade, lying on there backs with their paws up in the air.


- We didn't have to go far this morning, the two Matimba Males where roaring at the pan this morning. They had full bellies and where relaxing around the pan.
- A few dugga boys slowly feeding around us, not too phased about us watching.
- We tracked Thandi and her cub this morning for a good while but she was just ahead of us and we didn't see her. Hopefully we can find her this afternoon...

Nkorho Rangers

Monday, 30 March 2015

29 & 30 March

29-30 March


- Got to see Quarantine male Leopard walking east on the main road.
- Saw one Elephant bull feeding moving South.
- Had a quick view of Tingana moving around scent marking.


- Found the two Styx female resting on a small open plain.
- Saw a small herd of elephants on the main road moving West feeding.
- Spend some time with Quarantine resting close by to the main road.
- Tingana with a Impala kill witch he stole from Shadow this morning.

Nkorho Rangers

Saturday, 28 March 2015

27 & 28 March

27-28 March

-Spend some time with a herd of Elephants feeding around us.
- Saw a nice big crocodile resting outside a water hole.
- Two Matimba males resting on the open plain in front of the Lodge.


- Buffalo bulls moving West from the lodge.
- a First for us this morning when we witnessed Kwatile female leopard chasing Cheetah on a landing strip. Really was a fantastic sighting!!

Nkorho Rangers

Friday, 27 March 2015

26 & 27 March

26 - 27 March

- Herd of elephants feeding around the dam and having a drink.
- Saw pride of lions it was the Breakaway pride they where fast asleep and snoring around the waterhole.
- Buffalo bull wallowing in Manyeleti.
- Salayexe female leopard walking alongside the drainage line calling and scent marking.

- Bahuti male leopard chasing kudu cows around, and then followed him as he stalked and looked for other prey.
- Was an awesome morning spent with Bahuti!!!

Nkorho Rangers

Thursday, 26 March 2015

25 & 26 March

25 - 26 March

- Old buffalo bull resting on the edge of the dam.
- Had an awesome sighting of the five wild dogs chasing impala, but they missed and then we spent some time following them. Watching them interact between each other.
- Followed Mvula male leopard for a while and then he went and lay on top of a termite mound at sunset. Was amazing to see!

- A large breeding herd of elephant all milling around slowly feeding.
- Hyena den was very busy this morning with the youngsters out and about. 
- Big old elephant bull in front of the lodge.

Kindest Regards
Nkorho Rangers


Wednesday, 25 March 2015

24 - 25 March


- Buffalo resting and feeding around a    waterhole.
- Karula resting in a riverbed.
- Small Elephant herd feeding West from    the lodge.


- Breakaway pride resting close to a dry    river.
- Hyena den highly active with all the pups    sniffing and inspecting the vehicle.
- Saw five Wild Dog resting in the shade.

Nkorho Rangers

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

23 - 24 March



Herd of elephants having a drink at Kudu   corner and then feeding all around.
- Buffalo bulls ruminating and wallowing in   the mud.
- Tracked and tried to relocate Bahuti but      no luck. 



- Watched Xivambalane male leopard stalk    kudu, but he missed.
- Had Lamula young male leopard lying in      a dry river bed.- Watched a herd of        elephant slowly milling around feeding.
- Watched a crocodile try and catch an      impala but they saw him.

Nkorho Rangers

Saturday, 21 March 2015

18 - 19 March

- Spend some time with a small herd of Elephants drinking water.
- Had a nice drink stop at a water hole with some Hippos keeping an eye on us.


- Found the remains of a young Zebra close to our access road to the lodge with lion tracks all over, but did not manage to find them as the tracks went North.
- Saw a small herd of Elephants West from the lodge moving South.

Nkorho Rangers

Sunday, 8 March 2015

7 & 8 March

07 March 2015
- Bahuti male leopard feeding on his waterbuck kill.
- Breeding herd of elephants taking a mud bath.
- Nkuhuma pride of lions and 2 Matimba males moving north.

08 March 2015
- Went to visit the hyena den with a couple of youngsters playing around.
- Tingana male leopard moving west and marking his territory.
- 3 old male buffaloes feeding close to a small pan.
Kind regards
Nkorho Rangers

Saturday, 7 March 2015

6 & 7 Mar

06 -  07 March

- Found a Buffalo herd East from the lodge.
- Followed Bahuti and got to experience him making a kill. 

- Found the two Styx female lions resting on a open plain.
- Spend some time with a loan Elephant.
- Bahuti was resting close by to his kill he made.

Kind Regards
Nkorho Ranger

Friday, 6 March 2015

4 & 5 Mar

04 March 2015
- Old male buffalo feeding close to a small pan.
- Breeding herd of elephants feeding.
- Went back to the hyena den where some of the youngsters where playing around the den, with the adults resting.
- Nkuhuma pride of lions moving east close to one of the private camps.
05 March 2015
- Found tracks of a pride of lions moving south very close to the lodge but no luck as they moved over one of our boundary.
- Found the Nkuhuma pride again chasing after a lone male wildebeest, but the wildebeest got away.
- Some general game all around the reserve.
Kind regards
Nkorho Rangers