Monday, 22 September 2014

21 & 22 September

We started our afternoon with a big herd of elephants feeding about. A big female with a tiny youngster approached us. What a special start for our new guests. The Nkuhuma male lion was still feeding on his kill with a few White backed vultures perched close by.

This morning started slow for us as we followed some lion tracks following a herd of buffalo. Unfortunately both tracks went North. We did found some general game walking about and on or way to the lodge found another herd of elephants.

Kind Regards
Nkorho Rangers    

Saturday, 20 September 2014

19 & 20 September

Our afternoon started well with a small herd of elephants feeding just West of the lodge. Again the young elephants tried their best to chase us away but instead they ran away from us. We found a fair size Buffalo herd grazing on a open area. Not far from the buffalo, the Styx pride were all found huddled up sleeping in the chilled wind. After we had our drink break, we were informed that the Styx pride had killed a sub- adult buffalo. When we got their they were busy feasting on their meal, little did they know that another male lion was making his way towards them. The male ran down to the Styx and chased them all away having a free meal for the evening.

This morning the Styx were found with not far away from where they made kill last night, with the Big male nowhere to be found. On our way back to the Lodge, we found some elephants feeding.
Kind Regards
Nkorho Rangers

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

16 & 17 September

16 Sept afternoon drive.
- Breeding heard of elephants feeding around our pan with a tiny baby.
- Plenty of general game while driving around in search of something special.
- Lamula male leopard feeding on a impala kill.
- Another young male leopard feeding on a duiker kill that he hosted up into a dead tree.

17 Sept morning drive.
- A big breeding heard of elephants scattered all over our property.
- Got the exciting news that 2 young cheetah where spotted close to our camp and rushed straight to theme, as soon as we got there they started chasing after the heard of wildebeest in a bit of a play full manner.
Kind regards
Nkorho rangers.

15 & 16 September

    We started our Safari well of with some elephants at our waterhole drinking and later moved off east feeding as they went. a Big herd of Buffalo drinking water. What a nice sighting we had. Werner found Karula the female leopard busy stalking some Impala but was unsuccessful in the hunt. We went to the West where Moyas cub had made an Impala kill.
    This morning we had another great interaction with a female elephant feeding close to our vehicle. Went back to... the West to go see Moyas cub whom got joined by his father, Lamula wanting to steel his sons meal. On our way back to the Lodge a very big herd of Buffalo was spotted moving from the North to the South on their way to a water hole for a drink.
    Kind Regards
    Nkorho Rangers

Monday, 15 September 2014

14 & 15 September

14 - 15 September
We had a slow start yesterday. It was very hot so most animals weren't very active. Saw a lot general game like Nyala, Zebra, Giraffe, Waterbuck. We got a call from the West that two young male lions were spotted resting close by to a waterhole.
This morning we had a beautiful sunrise with some elephants feeding around the vehicle. Went back to the west where the two young male Lions were spotted resting in the same area as last night. Werner, found Bahuti walking about searching for a meal. Once again we had a great sighting of Bahuti rolling around in the sand before he disappeared into the bush. Just North from the a small herd of elephants was feeding about.
Kind Regards
Nkorho Rangers

Sunday, 14 September 2014

13 Sept afternoon drive.

- Started the afternoon with lots of general game.
- 2 young male giraffe practice fighting with each other.
- Bahuti( young male leopard) stalking bushbuck near one of the other lodges, he did not succeed in his hunt and continued moving more west.

14 Sept morning drive.

- Saw a lone honey badger moving north over one of the boundaries'
- Breeding heard of buffalo(100) feeding and then moving on to go and drink water at one of the dams.
- We peacefully sat beside a breeding heard of elephants(15) while they where feeding around the car.

Kind regards
Nkorho rangers      

Saturday, 13 September 2014

12 & 13 September

Yesterday afternoon we started off with a great sighting with a very young elephant calf and his mother at one of the watering holes. We were entertained by him/her trying to drink water, not really knowing how to use its trunk yet. After a while with them we moved off to try our luck somewhere else. We came across the Tjalala pride lying at one of the other dams with the hippos watching close by. We stopped for sundowners, watching peacefully as the magnificent African disappeared turning into beautiful night skies. Once finished we went back to the lodge for a wonderful meal.

This morning was a slow morning with some elephants and general game around the lodge.

Friday, 12 September 2014

11 & 12 September

11 Sept afternoon drive

- Breeding heard of elephants (15) feeding around the vehicle.
- Nkuhuma pride of lions + 1 matimba male trying to take down a big buffalo bull, after a struggle of about an our the buffalo escaped and ran off.

12 Sept morning drive

- Tsalala pride of females feeding on the buffalo kill abandoned by the majingelane males.
- a Small heard of elephants close to the lodge.
- Lots of general game.

Kind regards
Nkorho rangers.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

9 & 10 September

So yesterday afternoon started off well as we had the cheetah on the open area east of the lodge, just laying around digesting the impala they had the morning before. We left them in search of the elephant that had a drink of water earlier the afternoon, and we found them as they crossed over to the northern side of the open area. We stopped for some drinks and had a beautiful rise off a super moon. We drove around in search off some leopard, but with no luck.
This morning we had some tracks of the cheetah again but with no luck in finding them. We left the area and found some elephant again with a very big bull feeding not to far from the vehicle. We then bumped into a big herd off buffalo also feeding right next to the vehicle. After that we went in search off some leopard again but with no luck, maybe this afternoon luck will be on our side.

10 & 11 September

10 Sept afternoon drive.
- Breeding heard of elephants(15) moving north over our boundary.
- 3 Majingalane male lions feeding on a buffalo kill.
- 3 unknown young male lions lying close to one of the airstrips.
- Bahuti male leopard chasing after karula female leopard.

11 Sept morning drive.
- Breeding heard of buffalo(100) resting just south of our lodge.
- 3 Majingalane lions still on their kill.
- Big male elephant joining us at the lions and chasing them up while he was moving past towards a watering hole.