Wednesday, 30 July 2014

29 - 30 July

We started from camp with a few drops of rain but luckily stopped after 10 min. Bernhard found a nice herd of elephants feeding just West from the lodge. We also saw Mvula the male leopard close to a water hole resting. After we left Mvula a radio call came through that a very big herd of Buffalo was on their way from the North to the South. Bernhard saw the Breakaway pride of lions in the West. As our drive ended very exciting as the Nkuhuma pride was stalking a big herd of Buffalo North from the lodge.

This morning we watched the sunrise as we stopped on a open area. After that we saw something unusual, a male Ostrich walking about in the bush. Bernhard and myself sat with a herd of elephants at a water hole for a while before we went to the West were the Styx pride had made a Blue Wildebeest kill close by to a airstrip.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

28 & 29 July

What an amazing two drives we had since yesterday afternoon till this morning. Yesterday we started with some elephants just South from the lodge walking around us feeding. We got a radio call from the west saying that the whole Breakaway pride of Lions had made a Buffalo kill, with three of the four Majingalane males present to. In total we saw Sixteen lions around one kill. Bernhard saw Tingana with a impala kill on the ground feeding and soon after a spotted hyena chased Tingana with the kill up into a tree. On our way back to the lodge we bumped into a unknown pride of lions. We think it might be the Talamati pride moving north. We also saw Mvula with a waterbuck kill.

This morning we went back to the Breakaway pride and found that they finished the entire buffalo leaving only the bones. Saw eleven Buffalo bulls feeding.

Monday, 28 July 2014

27 & 28 July

- Lions (4x Styx) Sleeping 
- Female Leopard (Inkanyeni) Stalking Impala. She came so close but just at the end the wind turned on her and the male impala spotted her
- Elephants (20) Feeding 
- Buffalo (150) Moving North
- Male Ostrich (1) Moving west
- Buffalo Bulls (6)

Sunday, 27 July 2014

26 & 27 July

Yesterday we saw some Elephants drinking water East from the lodge at a small water hole. Spend some time trying to relocate on Mvula and Karula which was busy mating. We found them in thick bush resting on a termite mound. We sat with them for a while and left them to go and have a nice drink break before dark.

This morning was our turn at the Wild Dog den and as we got their all of the puppies were out playing around some of the adults greeting them. What a special sighting it was. Bernhard saw some nice Buffalo bulls feeding alongside a road

25 & 26 July

- Lions (4x Styx) Sleeping off the buffalo kill they made and finished
- Elephants (20) Feeding 
- Lions (2x Female Styx 3x Cubs) Sleeping
- Wild dogs (8) Running after Impalas but had no luck
- Leopards (Mvula & Karula) Mating
- Buffalo Bull (1) Feeding and moving east
- Lions (4x fourways) sleeping

Friday, 25 July 2014

24 & 25 July

As we left the Lodge yesterday afternoon a herd of elephants was spotted just north from the lodge feeding inside and around a dry river. After viewing them for a while we drove of to the west. On our way we found another small herd of elephants close to a waterhole. Bernhard saw Tingana not far from where the Styx lions had a kill. We got a radio call that two leopards; Lamula and a unknown female; was feeding on the leftover of the impala kill Moya's cub made yesterday. We sat a while with them before we went back to go and view the Styx pride feeding on the Kudu kill they made.
This morning we followed Bahuti the young male leopard walking along the main road busy stalking some impala and bush-buck, but did not succeed. We also some some nice Buffalo bulls feeding on a open area before we came back to the lodge

Thursday, 24 July 2014

23 & 24 July

Our drive started good yesterday as we went back to West to go see the Wild Dogs again. As we got closer to the den some of the Adults were trotting on the road of to go hunting. As we approached the den, one of the pups were looking at us for about 5 minutes before he went back into the burrow. After the dogs we bumped into some lone Buffalo bulls feeding alongside a river. Moya's cub the young male leopard made a Impala kill and he was resting next to the kill before he started feeding. a Small herd of elephants was walking towards a water hole and the youngsters tried to get rid of us by trumpeting and running away. This morning we got a radio call from the West that some of the Styx pride members made a Kudu kill close to the Gowrie Gate.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

22 & 23 July

- Lions (Styx 2x Female 3x Cubs) Stalking a big Herd of Buffalo
- Leopard (Tingana) Moving South
- Leopard ( Karula + Shadow) Moving East. Shadow was calling and following Karula out of her Territory 
- Buffalo (200) Feeding
- Elephants (30) Feeding and moving South
- Wild dogs (8 x Adults 5x Pups) Playing around the den
- Buffalo bulls (3) Moving North

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

20 & 21 July

Yesterday afternoon started slow for us. We saw a lone Buffalo bull resting close to a waterhole just east from the lodge. We decided to go to the west again to go and view Tingana and Karula mating on a small open area. Saw some nice elephants as well on our way to go and have a drink before the sun went down. This morning we followed Bahuti ( young male leopard ) busy stalking some Nyala but failed in the hunt as they spotted him. a Small herd of elephants was close by to were Bahuti was seen. The Styx pride was found in the west resting on a small open area and the youngsters gave a show as they were playing around and chasing each other. After our coffee break this morning, it was time to head back east, and on our way we found a large herd of Buffalo grazing along the main road.